How to send backgrounds to kinemaster?

 How To Send Background To Kinemaster

Welcome friends, in this post in our blog, I will tell you all how you can use send to back option in kinemaster application if you want to understand well how send to back option in kinemaster application. If used, then you will understand very well by reading my post till the end and you will be able to use send to back option very well in Kinemaster application

Why is there no send to back in Kine Master app?

Hi Friends, first of all we know why the problem of send to back comes in the Kine Master app, first you have to open your Kine Master, after that you have to select 16: 9, after selecting you will get a green screen. You have to take it and do OK, after that you have to select your photo by going to the layer option, after selecting you have to click on the OK option, after clicking, now you will see 3dot in the left side, three dots You have to click on the option, after clicking, you have to go to the option of send to back, when you click on the option of send to back, then the photo you will have will not be send back, then brother, this is not a problem, I will tell why doesn't it happen

how to solve send to back problem in kine master app

Hello brother if you want to send your photo to back screen in kine master then first of all you have to open your kine master app after that select 16 : 9 after that you have to do background salect For this, you have to click on the background option, after that you have to select any background, after selecting the background, you have to click on the layer option, after that I have to select your green screen video of the green screen. After selecting the video, again you have to click on the layer option, after that you have to select your photo, which you want to send to the back screen, after selecting the photo, now you have to click on the option with three dots and You have to click on the option with send to back screen, after that your photo will be send to back screen, you will be able to send your photo to back screen very easily so I hope you liked my post or if If you like it then you must comment Tell me if there is any problem, then definitely tell in the comment,

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